
Hotline Miami Steam Sale Benefits the Series’ Dozens of Musicians

Everything Hotline Miami is on sale.

Dennaton Games and Devolver Digital announced a Steam sale for the Hotline Miami series ranging from 40% to 75% for each game, soundtrack, and combination of the two. Deals include 40% off Hotline Miami 2 ($8.99), 75% off Hotline Miami ($2.49), and 40% off the Hotline Miami 2 Soundtrack ($8.99). The promotion ends November 23rd.

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Beyond the sale, the revenue from the sale directly funds the dozens of artists attributed to the series’s two games. Not 70% or 90%, Dennaton Games pledged 100% of the sale to the individual artists below:

“Sun Araw, Coconuts, M|O|O|N, Jaspter Byrne, El Huervo, Perturbator, Scattle, Elliott Berling, Eirik Suhrke, Green Kingdom, Sean Evans, Light Club, Endless, Old Future Fox Gang, Riddarna, Magna, Mitch Murder, Life Companions, Sjellos, Chromacle, Vestron Vulture, Modulogeek, Magic Sword, Dag Unenge, Carpenter Brut, iamthekidyouknowwhatimean, Benny Smiles, Megadrive, Cinimod, Auto Delta Time, El Tigr3, LipPi Sound and Nounverber”

Being that Hotline Miami wouldn’t be Hotline Miami without the litany of musicians pumping each level with life as the game quickly drains yours. Seriously, you will be very familiar with the restart button.

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About the author

Twinfinite Staff Writer

Robert Beach

An affable Ohioan with a love of synthpop, downtempo, and video game music. Chances are you'll find Robert reminding you the N64 wasn't that great and talking way too much about cartoons and comedy.
