
Destiny Unveils a New Year Two Exotic via Instagram

You can never have too many exotics.

destiny, bungie

Bungie announced that they had a few more exotics in store for those entrenched in Destiny’s war against the darkness. On Instagram they have begun to roll out the unveiling of their new exotics and have kicked it off with the Mida Multi-Tool.

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An exotic scout rifle with amazing recoil and the ability to keep the radar active while aiming down the sights it was definitely a fan favorite in Year One of Destiny. It will now be receiving a proper Year Two form. Destiny Unveils a New Year Two Exotic via Instagram

There are definitely more to come, so if you want to see what else they have in store for Destiny in the coming weeks tune into the official Destiny Instagram account.

Are you excited about the Mida Multi-Tool getting a Year Two upgrade? Looking forward to something else? Feel free to let us know in the comments below.

Safe travels, guardians.


About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. Fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.
