
Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone – The Safecracker Quest Guide

Time to open the safe.

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The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone has some interesting quests with tons of little pieces that make a beautiful whole. Take the main quest, Open Sesame, for instance. What starts as a simple inquiry becomes a full blown heist spread out over four main quests.

This guide will help you complete Open Sesame: The Safecracker. No matter how much you may plan ahead, a heist comes to a screeching halt if you can’t get into the box that houses the goods. For this Hearts of Stone quest, you will have the option between two potential teammates. There’s Quinto and Casimir, two men with undeniable talents, but both happen to be in quite the pickle.

Quinto is a master lockpick, which means he knows how to get into things he’s not supposed to while not making a sound. Casimir, on the other hand, loves things that go boom. He can get you into any place just like Quinto, but he’ll definitely attract a lot of attention. Once you decide which one better suits your needs, you’ll set off to get them on your side.

Acquiring Quinto

hearts of stone

Quinto is one truly talented man. There is nobody around who is as skilled at opening locks as he, so naturally he garnered quite a bit of unwanted attention. To obtain Quinto, you will have to locate him in a mercenary camp where is locked up. Once there, you have several options for how you want to deal with the situation.

Your first option is to just pay his bounty of 200 Crowns. You can haggle the price down to around 170 Crowns if you’re feeling a bit stingy (after all, it wasn’t your fault that he got locked up).

If you’re short on gold, you can instead put your Gwent skills to the test. Play a match against the commander. If you win, Quinto goes free. If you lose, then you’ll need to find another way to free him.

The final option is to just do what you’ve probably already been doing in Hearts of Stone and the rest of The Witcher 3 and just fight it out. You have the option to anger the commander, which leads to a fight. Win and Quinto is home free.

Whichever method you choose, Quinto is now in your debt so just send him to where the stranger awaits and the Open Sesame: The Safecracker quest is complete. 

Acquiring Casimir Bassi

hearts of stone

Casimir is a bit more reckless than your other option. This stout fella has a thing for explosives, powerful, dangerous, loud, explosives. While he won’t do much for any stealth approach you may have wanted to employ, he can definitely get the job done. Just don’t expect him to clean up after it’s all finished.

He’s a bit easier to acquire than Quinto, especially if you’ve upgraded Axii’s Delusion skill. He is in a very dark place in his life and is on top of his roof where there are tons of explosives. If they go off then he, along with many others in the village, will die. And a dead Casimir is of no use to anyone.

You can talk him down the long way, going through dialogue trees. It isn’t difficult, but it can be tiresome. The Fastest way to get this over and done with is to use Axii to just make him come down and join your cause. It’s as simple as that.

Once you send him over to the Stranger you will have completed Hearts of Stone’s main quest Open Sesame: The Safecracker and can now move on to more grand activities.

Who did you opt for? Let us know in the comments below. And, for more guides, tips, tricks, info, and features on The Witcher 3: Hearts of Stone, be sure to check out our constantly expanding wiki.


About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. Fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.
