No Returning Characters for Mass Effect Andromeda, But Similar Combat to ME3

I'll never forget you, Garrus...

Earlier this year, Bioware casually dropped a trailer for Mass Effect Andromeda at the start of EA’s E3 presser. To say people lost their shit would be putting it gently, but nothing else was provided besides that trailer, not even an appearance or anything about it at Gamescom. All we know right now is that it’s set in the Andromeda Galaxy and that everyone’s favorite least favorite buggy the Mako will be returning. Also, you’ve got jet boosters. Because that’s awesome. One thing we do know for sure is that none of the characters from the previous Mass Effect trilogy will be making an appearance in Andromeda. Bioware’s senior development director Chris Wynn answered this question on Twitter a few days ago:

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What will be returning for Andromeda, is the combat. It’ll be mostly based on the combat system for Mass Effect 3, which definitely had the best combat of the three. Seriously, 2’s is pretty good, and 1’s, not so much. But Wynn assures fans that it’ll be “more dynamic, but overall similar feel”.

Mass Effect Andromeda hits the relays to our systems holiday of next year.

About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.
