Conquer Overwatch’s New Low Gravity Brawl With These 5 Heroes and 1 Ult

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The Low Gravity brawl could very well be the Overwatch team’s way of apologizing to Symmetra for making her a borderline useless hero when the game first launched. Now, for a limited time, she is essentially a must pick for any team going into the Low Gravity brawl. Symmetra’s homing beam can be frustrating to deal with in a standard match but in Law Gravity mode it becomes something that’s extremely difficult to escape. In a standard match, Symmetra’s limited mobility is what prevents her from easily melting any enemy she comes across. When Low Gravity gives her the ability hop around the map with ease, you just have to grit your teeth and hope for the best once you hear the sound of a microwave close by.

In addition to easily being able to close the gap between enemies and hook her homing beam on to them, Symmetra also has far more options for where she will place her sentry turrets. Keep in mind that while players can alter their direction while in the air, they can’t change the fact that they will continue falling slowly. Placing the turrets on high points near the objective will provide an unpleasant surprise for enemies who tried to hop over your team’s defenses to get on the point. For most characters in Overwatch, getting caught by two turrets at once while in the air will leave their health bar depleted before they can even touch the ground.


Winston is a great pick for this mode for the same reason Symmetra is. Since Winston doesn’t really have to aim to start sending some serious volts through his enemies bodies, it’s easy to take advantage of enemies who are stuck floating around in the air. If enemies are jumping off a ledge or otherwise falling from a relatively high point on the map, Winston can jump on in and eliminate them before they see the ground again. Not only that, but Winston’s mobility is better than ever in Low Gravity.

Winston doesn’t have to be on the ground to use his Jump Pack, and there will be quite a few cases when the Jump Pack’s cool down has completed by the time you’re back on the ground. While other characters are in the midst of a dangerous no man’s land if they are too high in the air, Winston is one of the heroes that maintains a sense of mobility while airborne. Other heroes just have to wait until they slowly drift down but Winston’s ability to use his Jump Pack again gives him away to avoid danger even in mid-air.

Hanzo and Widowmaker

Hanzo and Widowmaker are exceptional picks for this mode for the exact same reason—slowly falling enemies are a sniper’s dream come true in Overwatch. Seriously, even if you aren’t a Hanzo or Widowmaker main, you will likely find yourself earning some impressive headshots just because all your foes are falling so slowly. Low Gravity essentially removes the hardest part about being a sniper in Overwatch.

The quick erratic movements of most heroes makes it difficult to really get them in your sweet spot. If they’re in the air, however, it’s a different story. Pharmercy combos become incredibly easy to take down and any tank character that’s spotted airborne is essentially a dead man. This mode also allows Hanzo and Widowmaker to earn quite a few shots while they are in the air themselves. Widowmaker can use her Grappling Hook to sling herself into the air and scope enemies from above while a few well placed wall climbs can give Hanzo some time floating in the air to rain arrow down on the enemy team.


Roadhog’s inclusion on this list is easy to explain—hooking enemies will never be this easy in Overwatch again. We are now past the ages when Roadhog could snatch enemies through walls or have them magically get pulled towards his hook despite the fact that he overshot them a little bit. Now, hooking enemies can actually be a challenge for a player who was relying on these bugs before.

In the Low Gravity brawl, hooking enemies is essentially set on easy mode. Again, heroes who are slowly dropping to the ground become easy picks for Roadhog’s hook. The best part is, if you hook an enemy from the air, the hook actually stops some characters a few inches above the ground rather than placing them on the ground. This means they have a split second of limited mobility before they can plan a daring escape. By then, a solid Roadhog player would have already delivered the final blow to squishy heroes.

McCree, but Only When It’s High Noon

McCree doesn’t receive too many new advantages just because the gravity has been turned down a notch. He is still a hero that will require impeccable accuracy and will need to make full use of his Flashbang. Nothing new here. That is, until it’s everyone’s least favorite time of the day. Everything moves a little bit slower in Low Gravity and anyone hero who once had incredible mobility in the air is now little more than a sitting duck for McCree’s Deadeye.

There are many times when several players from the enemy team will be floating in the air. They may be going airborne to get a better vantage of enemies and eliminate some foes from the skies. They may simply be attempting to hop over enemy lines to break up solid defenses. Perhaps they were once on a ledge or high point on the map and simply took a step too far on accident. What usually wouldn’t be a fatal mistake could now be costly. Low Gravity gives McCree ample time to lock on to all his airborne prey while also making targets on the ground a little slower and less likely to make it to cover before Overwatch’s favorite cowboy gets to shooting.


About the author

Taylor Danielle

Just a girl that likes gaming, anime & singing K Pop in the shower. She's worked as an entertainment journalist for roughly four years but finds rumors about video games to be way more interesting than gossip about real people. Go figure.

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