
The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Episode 4 Story Summary

Chapter One

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The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Episode Four


Chapter one of The Walking Dead: A New Frontier episode four kicks off with yet another flashback. This time, we see David and Javi at some batting cages where the two get into an argument essentially about how Javi is better than David and how he introduced Javi to the sport.

At that moment, a young fan approaches Javi asking for him to sign her baseball so she can sell it. You can either sign or dismiss it, but we turned the little profiteer away empty handed. David will get mad again before explaining he’s basically unhappy with the way things are going and Javi is only ever looking out for himself. He tells Javi that he wants to join the army, but he doesn’t know whether he can with his family commitments. He’ll ask for Javi to look after Kate and the kids if push comes to shove, which is your first major decision in episode four.

You’ll then be thrown back to the present day as Javi and David are thrown into a quarantine room. Soon enough, Joan arrives and speaks to the pair about how they’ve become a problem for Richmond. A hearing has been planned for the whole of Richmond to hear about David’s arrest and alert them of what he did.

Joan then takes David out to ask him some questions, leaving Javi in the cell. Fortunately, he’s not in there for long. He uses a stool to climb on top of the lockers and uses a pipe from one of the sinks to pry the bars on the windows. Gabe appears and helps remove them, successfully freeing Javi from prison.

Chapter Two

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Episode Four

With Javi and Gabe now out in the open, chapter two is essentially the two of them sneaking through Richmond. Gabe informs Javi that the rest of the group has moved to a different spot as they didn’t think it was safe to stay in David’s house. A constant groaning can be heard from outside the city walls as a horde moves ever closer.

According to Gabe, Kate is constantly pressuring for the group to leave, but Gabe is intent on saving David first. Eventually, the two make it to where the group are hiding. On their way in, a stage of some sort is being built just outside.

As you enter the room they’ve been holed up in, Eleanor and Tripp can be heard arguing over whether they should stay or go. Kate hugs Javi as soon as he walks through the door, and when discussing what’s going on, Kate presses to leave immediately once again. Unfortunately, any kind of a plan is screwed thanks to the huge horde now outside the walls.

It’s decided that like it or not, the group needs some firepower if they’re going to escape alive. It’s decided that Ava, Javi, and Gabe will make their way to the armory to acquire some weapons.

Chapter Three

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Episode Four

Outside the armory, a guard is on duty that Ava knows, so she heads off to distract him while Javi and Gabe head inside. They find the armory, but it’s locked, so Javi uses a nearby fire extinguisher to smash the lock making a ton of noise in the process.

Inside, the two start gathering supplies, including Javi’s trusty baseball bat. With the supplies gathered, Ava grabs the bag and tells you that the group needs to discuss doing the right thing for Richmond. With Ava walking off ahead, Javi and Gabe follow her down the corridor but soon hear footsteps of someone else coming the other way. The two jump into a closet, which the guard just so happens to stop outside.

Gabe charges at the door, trying to knock the guard down in the process but fails miserably and ends up facing down the barrel of a gun. Javi jumps in, knocking the guard down, but getting stabbed in the should amidst all the chaos.

Ava returns and tells them both to stuff the guard in the closet and to get Javi’s wound fixed up. She tells you that Lingard (the doctor) will help him as he was close with David, so the three make their way to the medical facility.

Chapter Four

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Episode Four

Once at the medical facility, Ava advises that its best the guns were kept out of Lingard’s sight. Ava and Gabe stay outside with the bag as you head inside, only to find Lingard passed out in a chair and Clem searching the drawers.

According to Clem, Lingard is alive but has been out of it the whole time she’s been there. Fortunately, Clem does know first-aid, so offers to clean and stitch up Javi’s wound. As she looks for the needle and thread, she squirms. She tells Javi that she’s bleeding and that she gets it as she’s traveled with women before. Javi reassures Clem that it’s natural and it’s supposed to happen. He offers to take her back to Kate who can help her out, but Clem is insistent on stitching his arm up first.

As Clem stitches Javi up, he apologizes for not being the best person to talk to about her coming of age. She tells Javi that Jane had said she’d be a better mom than Jane could ever be, and the game sends us into another flashback.

This time, Clem is carrying AJ while Jane dumps more dead walkers into a hole outside of the settlement they found at the end of season 2 (based on my previous choices). The two are suddenly ambushed, Jane grabs the baby and Clem takes care of the two walkers.

The game then skips 13 months into the future with Clem on her own without AJ. She can hear walkers nearby as she approaches the same lodge she first met Ava in. She heads in and quickly hears rustling outside, only to find Ava hiding in the bushes. Ava apologizes for what happened with AJ and throws a bag at Clem’s feet. It’s filled with supplies and a drawing that AJ drew after Clem was escorted away. She advises you that “good people” are at Prescott 10 miles south of your current location and that, despite the circumstances, the New Frontier cares about her.

The game skips back to the present day as Clem finishes stitching Javi’s arm. Lingard wakes and asks if David is okay. When the response is negative, he says there really is only one way to escape Joan, picking up a syringe and bottle from next to him. When pressed about AJ, Lingard tells Clem that David stepped up and took responsibility for AJ and that he’s way better off because of David. He proposes a deal: help him inject himself and he’ll tell you where AJ is. We declined to help him and Lingard said the deal was off, even if Clementine hadn’t agreed.

Chapter Five

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Episode Four

Reunited with everyone else in their hideout, it’s agreed that they need to stop Joan and save David. Ava tells you the location of a truck just outside the perimeter that they could use to escape.

Kate enters and loses her mind over the fact that Javi’s bleeding from his wound. Gabe owns up to the fact that he got stabbed, but Kate wants Eleanor’s professional opinion despite Javi, Gabe, and Clementine saying he’s fine.

Gabe then moves the conversation back to the plan, getting ahead of himself and how he’ll be key in the plan. Tripp knocks him back saying he shouldn’t go, but Conrad refuses to take part as it’s not his community thus not his problem, leaving Gabe as the only other option to join.

Javi, Gabe, Kate, and Clem head out to get the vehicle, finding the one they’re after behind a shutter. Unfortunately, there are some guards nearby and they don’t have the keys, so they push the car out of the garage into the clearing. Javi gets to work on hot-wiring the vehicle, but as the lights come on, the nearby walkers break through the barricade. He manages to hotwire it just in time and they all make an escape.

Chapter Six

The Walking Dead: A New Frontier Episode Four

With the getaway vehicle acquired, the group waits for Ava’s call to come through. While Clem and Gabe flirt over a game of cards in the back, Kate and Javi have a meaningful conversation about young love, falling in love, and the moments they’ve been having together. Kate puts forward the idea of the two of them trying to turn this into something, and you can either choose to agree or disagree. (We agreed because let’s be honest, they’re meant to be together). The two kiss and with some more perfect timing, Ava calls through.

What Joan had planned isn’t a hearing, but an execution for David. She warns that bringing the truck would cause Joan to become hostile, so the group opts to leave it behind. Kate says she’ll wait for everyone in the vehicle for a smoother getaway, so Clem, Gabe, and Javi head towards the town square.

After a few moments of listening to Joan blame David for everything and him trying to argue back, she spots Javi in the crowd and invites him forward. She announces that Eleanor had come to her last night and told their entire plan to Joan. Unfortunately, she’s one step ahead of the group and brings Ava and Tripp onto the stage with guns to their heads.

She then gives Javi the decision of saving one of them while the other dies. We decided to save Tripp, but Joan betrays you and has him shot instead. Clint then comes to his senses and tells Joan that this isn’t how things are done in Richmond and that your group should just be exiled instead. You’ll now be given the option to either shoot Joan or accept her deal and leave Richmond.

We opted to leave, but as Clint frees David against Joan’s will, David disarms a guard, grabs a gun, and holds Clint hostage. The whole place turns into a war zone. Gabe runs onto the stage to help his father, Javi dashes through gunfire to also help David, shooting a guard creeping up behind him as he wrestles with Clint. David promptly shoots Clint in the face before chasing after the escaping Joan.

Clem can then be spotted getting pinned down by New Frontier members nearby. Javi leaps down to help her, shooting one of the three closing in on her. She promptly reminds you that she told you David was trouble. As Javi tries to fend off those closing in on their position, Kate contacts him via walkie-talkie and asks if he needs help, but she can’t hear his response and starts heading in regardless. Just as that happens, a smoke grenade lands at his feet. Stumbling out of the thick smoke, Javi starts wrestling with the guy who threw it, just in time for Conrad to make his return and shoot him in the face.

The camera then switches to Kate in the truck speeding through Richmond to meet you, but a New Frontier member launches a molotov cocktail at the van. Kate begins losing control as she speeds towards Javi and the others. Conrad pushes Javi out of the way and he’s run over by the truck before it plows into the perimeter wall. As Javi takes a step towards Kate and the truck, it explodes. The episode comes to a close as we watch walkers piling in through the gap in the fence.

About the author

Chris Jecks

Chris is the Managing Editor of Twinfinite. Chris has been with the site and covering the games media industry for eight years. He typically covers new releases, FIFA, Fortnite and any good shooters for the site, and loves nothing more than a good Pro Clubs session with the lads. Chris has a History degree from the University of Central Lancashire. He spends his days eagerly awaiting the release of BioShock 4.

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