
Hideo Kojima Is Glad He Could Announce Death Stranding in 2016

Does Death Stranding's announcement make 2016 worth it?

death stranding

You’ve probably heard at least a few times that 2016 was a crappy year, and you’ve probably said so yourself on at least one occasion. But for one man, at least, one event seems to have made it all worth it.

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In addition to the globally shared tragedies and twists and turns 2016 dumped on all of us, game designer Hideo Kojima had a number of personal difficulties to overcome.

After being unceremoniously dumped from Konami and having his name scrubbed from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain’s cover, Kojima spent 2016 putting new studio Kojima Productions together under Sony’s flag. He also got to announce its first project, Death Stranding, and he’s pretty happy about that.

“The year of 2016 was such a tumultuous year. Establishing the studio, planning the new game, hiring crews, finding the new base & engine,” Kojima tweeted this morning. He then finished that thought in a second tweet: “casting, building the new spaceship Enterprise. Everything had to do at [sic] once but overall I’m glad that I could announce DEATH STRANDING.”

In addition to announcing his new game, Kojima was also presented with a lifetime achievement award at 2016’s Game Awards, and got a pretty nice holiday gift from Microsoft.

While Kojima and the world put 2016 behind us, the changing of the calendars may not necessarily mean Death Stranding is significantly closer to releasing, as the game currently has no release date. Kojima’s last work, The Phantom Pain, was announced in 2012, years after development had already begun, and still did not launch until 2015.


About the author

Nick Santangelo

Nick has been a gamer since the 8-bit days and has been reporting on the games industry since 2011. Don't interrupt him while he's questing through an RPG or desperately clinging to hope against all reason that his Philly sports teams will win something.

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