
Ed Boon Asked, So Here’s 5 Watchmen Characters Perfect for Injustice 2

Watch them kick ass.

Yesterday, Injustice 2’s creative director Ed Boon asked Twitter if characters from Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons’ Watchmen should make their way over to the upcoming superhero fighter.

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It’s likely that these characters won’t show up in the main story, barring some DC Rebirth level plot madness, but instead be relegated to the DLC space, not entirely unlike Mortal Kombat’s Scorpion in the first Injustice. The results right now are largely leaning towards “yes,” which has us here wondering what five heroes would best fit the universe of Injustice.

Just in case you haven’t seen or read Watchmen yet, let it be known that there are some spoilers here.

The Comedian

Who is he? Edward Blake, the Watchmen universe’s analogue to Nick Fury and Charlton Comics character Peacemaker. Getting his start as a costumed hero at the age of 16, Blake was driven by greed and a love for violence and later joined up with the Minutemen. Once that fell through, he joined on as a member of the Watchmen, going with Dr. Manhattan into Vietnam during the war and committing numerous atrocities. His death is the catalyst for the entire comic, having been killed by Ozymandias at the beginning.

Why include him? Let’s face it, for as much of a scumbag and nihilist as he is, Comedian is one of the most popular Watchmen characters, in part for his disgusting personality, and also because of his performance by Jeffrey Dean Morgan in the 2009 film. Injustice 2 looks to be as goofily brutal as the first one, so it makes complete sense for a guy dressed like a militaristic Groucho Marx to show up and bust some heads open. 

Doctor Manhattan

Who is he? Formerly a nuclear physicist, John Osterman was disintegrated by an Intrinsic Field Subtractor (ouch) and redeveloped himself over the next handful of months. With godlike powers ranging from omnipotence and complete intelligence to being able to blast anyone to pieces, he’s the most powerful character in the universe, but also the most emotionally unstable, unable to keep relationships and eventually just fleeing to space so he can “create life” in another galaxy.

Why include him? Even though the Watchmen comic doesn’t really specify his powerset as magic, his powers pretty much are that to some extent. Like with Zatanna and our suggestion of Doctor Fate, Injustice 2 is said to have more magic characters this time around, and he’s as magical as that universe can get. A naked blue man tends to do that.

Silk Spectre II

Who is she? Laurie Juspeczyk, daughter of the original Silk Spectre, Sally Jupiter. Trained by her mother to continue into the superhero business, Laurie was kept on the retainer by the US government because she was dating Dr. Manhattan, but later ends up falling in love with and dating the second Nite Owl, Dan Dreiberg. She later learns that the Comedian is her father, and at the end of the comic, indicates that she wants to take on his mantle.

Why include her? Whether she comes back as her original hero persona or the Comedian II, it would be awesome to play as her in Injustice 2. That universe is in no shortage of great hand to hand fighters, which makes her a great addition to the roster. Can you imagine her going up against someone like Black Canary or Wonder Woman? Yeah, it’d be pretty cool.


Who is he? Adrian Veidt, son of billionaire parents and known as the “smartest man on the planet.” Along with his intellect, he’s also a peak human athlete and martial artist with great reflexes and a photographic memory. He retired from the hero game early on, having outed himself as a superhero and marketed his image, becoming a humanitarian and using his wealth to create an event to unite the world and prevent nuclear war. (Said event killed millions of people thanks to a giant squid, but whatever, just roll with it.)

Why include him? Despite being the villain of Watchmen, Ozymandias makes for one of the most compelling characters in the whole thing. He’s basically Batman but a bigger douche<?, and with how much of a made man he is, he’s bound to have some crafty gadgets on hand that would be useful in a fighting game like Injustice 2. Whoever picks him will probably have already won the match 35 minutes ago.


Who is he? Walter Kovacs, the only masked vigilante that isn’t employed by the government by the time the comic starts. He functions essentially as the protagonist of Watchmen, going after the Comedian’s murderer and interacting with the heroes that are still alive, ultimately bringing them all together. While he’s the one to discover the conspiracy behind Comedian’s death and threatens to go public, Dr. Manhattan later ends up having to murder him.

Why include him? He’s pretty much the face of the entire enterprise, and is also one of the most brutal crimefighters around. Injustice 2 is a world with some shades of grey in it, but he only sees the world in black and white. You can bet that his moves will be some pretty nasty stuff, given how creative that he can take enemies apart with random objects and his own bare hands.

Let us know in the comments below who you’d like to join the roster of Injustice 2.

About the author

Justin Carter

Sometimes a writer, always a dork. When he isn't staring in front of a screen for hours, he's probably reading comics or eating Hot Pockets. So many of them.

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