
Top 10 Best Overwatch Characters

The best of the best.

Overwatch, crouch


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Pharah is an offensive hero with a taste for the finer things in life. You know? Like flight, rocket launchers, missile salvos, and beautifully detailed armor that has a beak on the helmet. When going on offense, it’s good to have someone with the valor and versatility that Pharah puts on display in every match. The fact that she’s fairly easy to use isn’t too bad, either.

Overwatch can get pretty tough, so having someone so useful in a pinch, someone who can hold their own in the heat of battle, is of the utmost importance. Pharah can easily deliver a high amount of damage in a short period of time, making her very useful during pushes. If things get hairy, her Jump Jet gets her right out of dodge and in place to rain down fire on the poor saps trying to kill her. 


Symmetra is a badass support character and a clinch teammate when trying to secure objectives, particularly on Escort. This is not only thanks to her Sentry Turret and Photon Shields, but her ability to create Teleporters that can quickly bring your teammates back to the field.

While she does take a bit of finesse to utilize (as most Support heroes do), she is definitely one of the better options out there when it comes to team play. Being able to have a direct link to the action after spawning is a great boon afforded by her unique abilities. Her shield may not be the best in the business, but when paired with everything else she has going for her, it’s not a bad deal.


Ah, Bastion. The bane of many a hero as they strive to push objectives and go on the offensive. Your kind heart and oddly shaped frame make for a defensive prowess unseen before. It’s no wonder that everyone in the world has been struggling with getting past Bastion during Overwatch matches and pleading for a nerf (even though Blizzard assured everyone this bot can be beat).

When you need to hold down a spot on a map for whatever reason, there aren’t too many better options out there. Just plopping down and relaxing as you tear through anyone who crosses your path brings a sense of joy that is unrivaled. Add Bastion’s ability to self-repair and his Ultimate, which allows for a tank transformation, and you have everyone’s favorite Overwatch nightmare. 


Nothing like a valorous knight to come in and absolutely wreck house in Overwatch. Reinhardt is a 61 year old adventurer with a huge hammer, and even larger armor. Seriously, the Tank role suits him so well he might as well be literally a walking tank.

What makes Reinhardt even more special is his Barrier Field. That huge wall of hard light can stop an insane amount of incoming damage, while also allowing your entire team to shoot through. When he’s not busy putting up glowing walls of awesomeness, he can be found bashing in skulls with his Rocket Hammer. If that wasn’t enough, his ultimate ability, Earthshatter, makes the very ground tremble. Fun to play as, terrifying to stand against. 


Another Tank, but with an altogether different approach. D.Va, real name Hana Song, is a gamer extraordinaire who hit the jackpot when she got to pilot a badass mech. Now she spends her time in Overwatch devastating opponents with her mech while absorbing tons of damage.

Just when you think you’ve got her pinned down, she can eject from that same mech and use it as a large, powerful bomb. Oh, she’s now free to move about even more quickly as she waits for the opportunity to summon yet another heap of metal death for her enemies. Yeah, she’s great. 


If you’ve gone against this vertically challenged engineer, you probably hate him. If you use him well, though, there’s a good chance he’s one of your favorite heroes. Torbjorn is one of those Defense characters that is really tough to put down. This is compounded by the fact that facing him means dealing with two potent threats, him and his turret. And heaven forbid if he’s teamed up with Bastion or a powerful Tank.

Turrets aren’t your standard drop on the ground/ let it do work/ it will be destroyed soon fare. No, this is the mother of all turrets in Overwatch. It is absolutely deadly, capable of taking a sizable amount of punishment, and can be repaired and upgraded. Dealing with the Turret is stressful enough, but when enemies remember that Torbjorn himself is somewhere close by with a powerful hammer and rivet gun in tow, the dread starts to set in.


When it comes to healing in Overwatch, there are none better than Mercy. She is quite literally a guardian angel, there to help support her team in times of need as they dominate matches. While she is quite possibly the least useful offensively, she more than makes up for that with her particular set of skills.

All of Mercy’s abilities, with the exception of her firearm, revolve around being there for a teammate. She can lock on and quickly fly to one, provide a constant healing beam, or even grant a damage buff. Her true specialty shines when an ally falls. If someone dies nearby, Mercy’s Ultimate will revive them as well as refill their health completely. If used properly, Mercy can seriously bolster a defensive stance or a necessary push. Being able to bring back an entire team instantly can turn the tide of a fierce battle, destroying even the toughest of enemy defenses. 


Jesse McCree is a bounty hunter from the good ol’ US of A, and he may not seem like much at first glance. Don’t get us wrong, he’s fancy with his mechanical hand and all that jazz, but he’s essentially just a cowboy with a good eye. Yet taking him into battle can be one of the best decisions you make in Overwatch, given the right opportunity.

His firing speed is what helps him control a fight, and while it may seem a bit out of place, that Dodge Roll of his is insanely useful, especially when combined with his Flash Bang. Powerful defenders like Mei crumble under the might of his Peacekeeper (when in the right hands of course). Also, his Ultimate, Deadeye, allows you to feel like you’re in the middle of an old western film. As the dust settles and you see your enemies drop before you, you can’t help but smile. 


Mei is yet another Defense hero you don’t want to cross. She’s a mix between an adorable Pixar character and the deadly Mr. Freeze. If you don’t believe us, just try and test her without knowing what the heck you’re doing.

Mei can lock down hallways with her Ice Wall, providing a quick retreat for allies or a way to control chokepoints. But, it’s her freezing abilities that make her such a threat. You can go toe-to-toe with her if you’d like, but if you linger too long in her frost stream or get caught in her Blizzard, you may find yourself frozen solid and subsequently quickly murdered. Her added ability to render herself invulnerable while healing makes her a double threat. She’s a small moving, winter fortress. Like Elsa, only cooler. 


Snipers are life. There’s no better way to deal with powerful defensive characters, or to help clear lanes for an offensive push. Widowmaker is in a class all her own when it comes to Defense heroes, as she protects from afar, making her really difficult to pin down.

Her rifle, eloquently dubbed Widow’s Kiss, is a powerful weapon with insane accuracy. If an enemy gets caught slacking, you better believe they’ll find themselves looking at the hero select screen in a matter of seconds. Amazing agility and a grappling hook ensure that she can always find the best vantage point. If she still can’t spot her target, she can always look through walls. Yeah, there’s no escaping this Overwatch sniper.

About the author

Ishmael Romero

Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. Fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.

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