
Steam Is Back Up, Valve Confirms “No Unauthorized Actions” Occurred

Nothing stops the Steam Sale.

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Today has been a rough day for Valve and their PC gaming service Steam. A security issue swapped the user info of multiple people, allowing them access to other user’s accounts. After a long downtime, the service is currently running in all regions. Also, Valve has confirmed that no unauthorized actions like buying games or loss of credit card info happened during this breach.

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In an email to Game Informer, Valve confirmed that Steam is currently in working order, and users shouldn’t see any major changes to their account.

We believe no unauthorized actions were allowed on accounts beyond the viewing of cached page information and no additional action is required by users.

Many Steam users were worried that they would have their credit card or PayPal info exposed in this security breach. According to this update and a post by a Steam community manager, none of this info could be accessed.

It’s a relief to hear this from Valve themselves, but it’s still recommended to check your bank account for any suspicious charges and change your PayPal password if it was linked to Steam.


About the author

Travis Boswell

Fan of fighting games, pro wrestling, and delicious beverages of all sorts. God Hand is the greatest game of all time, except when Banjo-Kazooie is.

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